Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Minutes of Millwood Business District Consultation Meeting No. 2, April 21, 2015

Tuesday, April 21, 2015, Millwood Community Center

Kevin Freeman welcomed those present and summarized his expectations for today’s meeting – he emphasized the need to obtain “buy-in” from the businesses in Millwood.

Alexander Scott, Stratagem Business Consulting, presented the report from the first Community Consultation Meeting, an analysis of the demographics and recommendations to develop a vibrant business community.

The following recommendations were presented and discussed:

      1.   The City erects entry signs to promote the City.  Signs on the major access roads can announce that one is entering Millwood. A landscaped designed entrance statement can capture the City’s character and brand.
       2.   The City develops a brand image through key phrases and symbols to capture the City’s history and character and to promote the activities and businesses.
       3.   The City promotes awareness of Millwood as an economic, tourist and residential area through Greater Spokane Incorporated and Visitspokane, local newspapers and through supported articles.
       4.    The City creates a vibrant business environment and promote business excellence. 
       5.    The City develops a regional economic business website to create awareness of local businesses.
       6.      The City promotes Millwood’s character through its historic area, farmers markets, and its unique characteristics.

Alexander indicated that key “wow” factors uncovered during this process was that:

·        Millwood has an 18% business to household ratio (Spokane 13% Spokane Valley 13%) and that this indicates that Millwood is well represented in business, that there is a sense of entrepreneurship and energy that should be harnessed
·        Millwood was a mature city that embraced its history and kept its friendly and cozy small town community feel despite the pressures of life surrounding it
·        Millwood had managed to incorporate and blends its valuable gifts of nature – the river, trees and open spaces and seamlessly blended these with homes, retail, businesses, schools, churches and industry
·        People knew of the City and that there were many multi-generational families in the City
·        People are generally passionate about the City and its future

Alexander indicated that the City sees itself as a catalyst and facilitator for providing business connections, and that the City wanted to introduce and investigate opportunities to link with the SBA, GSI, AARP, Spokane Libraries, local universities and other organizations to enable local businesses to become smarter and to enable a learning community that could better profit from doing business better.

Mayor Freeman added comments that the City sees its role as providing an environment, infrastructure and zoning that was conducive to business; however that is the responsibility of individual businesses to use the foundations to be successful. The City was committed to making working with representatives of business however under currently legislation the City would not provide funding to individual businesses or unregistered entities and that Better for Business should consider incorporating into a 503 type not for profit entity.

Alexander called on Shirene to discuss what Better for Business saw as future possibilities and what was required. Shirene indicated that Better for Business was voluntary, that there were many businesses that were devoted to making improvements, but that the association was informal and that incorporation would require office bearers and more formality. Shirene offered the venue for the next meeting May 11, 11am at inland Empire Paper.

The main topics for the coming meeting are:
  •  Incorporation of Better for Business
  •  Establishing list of key tasks or issues to be addressed
  •  Nominations for future committees to address and progress particular tasks
  •  Development of a brand / image / identity for Millwood
  •  Development of entry statements

Mayor Freeman indicated that the business community could continue to liaise with Tom Richardson or Alexander during coming months as the next phase of the process to develop a vibrant business community. Alexander would continue to represent the City at GSI and would meet with participants as required.

Alexander Scott, Stratagem Business Consultants

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